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tisdag 21 juli 2009

Ordered a VPS...

Being out travelling a lot, means being disconnected from the trading if you, like me, have a 24/7 pc at home running all your MT4´s...

Therefore, i signed up with a VPS. I found a cheap one that i´m gonna try out.

My trading stats will be updated tomorrow when i get home again.


2 kommentarer:

  1. Hello I am currently following your blog as I would like to see your results. Are you using a real account on both of your brokers? Also an important question as I too have had problems leaving my laptop to itself coming back to find it is off! so I would like to use a server. Was/is it easy to setup the accounts and bots with the server you have mentioned? Please reply asap as id like to get mine up and running within 24 hours. Take care

  2. Hi.

    Setup for VPS takes 24-72 hrs according to their website, for me it was something like 36 hrs before i was up and running. Everything works nice tho!
    Good luck!
