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onsdag 12 augusti 2009

---Advanced Droid Tactics Updated---

Benjamin Cook has updated his E-book "Advanced Droid Tactics" for the Forex Megadroid.
Summary of changes in ADT v4.1:
  1. New Aggressive and Recovery Mode settings based on a new ranking methodology. These new settings should give us more profit per unit of draw down.
  2. New section describing the MegaDroid trading time windows.
  3. Updated Risk Tables. These new tables are based on back test data going back to 2005 for the Conservative table, and back through Feb. 2009 for the Aggressive table. Both the Aggressive and Conservative risk tables are much more conservative.
  4. Details on how to trade the ADT Unified and ADT Hybrid setups using the Profile Reset Indicator. I also offer installation instructions for this new indicator.
  5. Quick Setup Tables. At the very end of the document there are some quick setup tables for each setup with all of the relevant setting.
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I haven´t tried his new settings yet, but he claims that they should be more updated with the current situation on the market. Feel free to send me feedback if you decide to try it.


8 kommentarer:

  1. Hi pilotlife,
    Where did you find this holy grail EA?? wow! is all i can say i bet u wish it was real money that is mega crazy. im sure it will blow itself up but id risk a grand to turn it into a hundred grand and then close the account and start trading more conservatively. Could you post the link please id like to test it! Nice Blog btw
    Kind Regards

  2. Hi Jono.

    Search the forum at hXXp://
    and you will find it there.

  3. i have to write 5 posts first. Did u have to pay for it? also could u just post the link, sorry to be a bother

  4. I think you will find that forum most useful once u get in, so if i were you, i would write those 5 posts to get access... ;)


  5. I have got the 5 as i thought it would be a good idea. I cant find the right page so far. I noticed your best trades were eur/chf I have only found a 'grail' that trades eur/gbp could you help me out a little. could you give me the link for the right thread page. thanks so far

  6. Hi again no joke cant find it. Have signed up and searched but cant find what you had im just finding rip off versions or altered I dont know because it isnt trading it didnt make one trade last night or yesterday day. Please could you help. Regards

  7. One more thing! I have purchased the ADT and it made trades last night all profitable. I also developed my own megadroid tactics that so far are profitable. I have already altered the ADT and added one chart as I feel it could trade even more at a successful rate. I am currently testing the brand new hybrid settings. Also I noticed one of your pairs u trade with this grail 23 EA is the gbp/usd I know of a suitable broker for this particular pair with EA's. the Eur/chf is not as good as the spreads sometimes go above 3 sometimes 4 but the gbp/usd is usually quite low. Could you help me find the 'grail 23' EA and Ill help you find the right broker and report back about how my ADT go.

  8. Its called "grail_23_nolimitorder". Its en ISEA "educated version" or was it the other way around, i dont know. Search for grail or isea and u will find it, i dont have the link...
    This ea doesnt trade on all brokers, dont know why. I only had this result on demo.

    Good luck!
